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Why Microsoft XMAC servers are such a big deal

It's been a while sense I've made a post I know but something came up in the modding scene that caught my attention. Around 6 days ago Microsoft global XMAC servers went down. They came back up last night but while they were down a lot of modders went crazy. And here's why.

To start, you need to know what the XMAC servers are for. Microsoft XMAC are the servers that authenticate all KV's weather or not they are banned or not. If they are down like they were, you would be able to connect to Xbox Live just fine as long as your not console banned. Those modders who were console banned were the ones who were going crazy because they weren't able to properly change their KV. This is because their KV couldn't be authenticated so their Xbox would still come up as banned. The servers being down also caused a problem for KV dealers because XMAC being down also meant that KV checkers didn't work. But it wasn't really a problem for dealers who had a reliable source for KV's.

You may be asking yourself, why would Microsoft even have such servers if all it does it allow modders to unban their console. The answer is simple, they had to have these servers to begin with while they were still making Xbox 360's in order to put the new KV's up. You may also be asking yourself, why doesn't Microsoft just get rid of XMAC servers all together if they aren't making Xbox 360's anymore? Well, they may not be making them any more but they are still making lot's of money off of modding because they still have millions in warehouses being sold everyday. Trust me Microsoft knows about modding and they're in on it. How far in, we may never know.

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